Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Our project

We............Kasun, Pubudu, Khalib, Kalana & me is our group......At the beginning Kasun said, "Machan shall we start project day after tomorrow?"
We all agreed.

But what happen is no one is on time except Kalana & me. Kalana ask me, "Where are the others?"

"I don't know machan, they might come later" I replied....................

Littel bit later Kasun came & said " Sorry machan I was late because I had lot of works in the offfice".

Meantime I log to facebook and I see Pubudu is online there. "Why don't u come to project?"

"Ubala babbuda mama nathuwa karanna barida ubalata" Pubudu replied.
(I have never heard before that babies are doing degree level project in any country of the world.)

Anyway Kalana starts working and I support him.

Pubudu cannot come to our work because he has to catch up right train. (If he cannot catch up right train, he may not be well).

Day before deadline all think about project. I call to khalib and threat "Can u do ur part or leave?". Khalib suddenly calls kasun and said "I was threaten". So khalib hurry up to finish off his part.

Kasun gives advices through Skype......(We cannot go even dinner). Kalana takes outputs in various formats as advices of Kasun.

Anyway we finish up project.

Next day we submit it and when we are back to class Kasun said "we definitely do our next project in time"

:) :) :) :) :) :)

1 comment:

  1. one little correction bro i didnt call kasun. he called me. :)
