These days we all experience unusual raining patterns and this is mainly because due to climate changing. As a result of this situation Sri Lanka has to get ready for flood in any time. Poor and deeefective drainage system in Colombo as well as other cities causes to create the whole town in to a collection of small lakes and ponds in a normal rain. Sometimes gutters in roads are as deep as 3 feet. many times this problem has been brought to relevant officers and regulations nothing is done. So now small rain can break down day to day activities in Colombo. Employees and the staffs of various organizations are mostly effected with this situation. Waters on the roads increase traffic and this delays to go offices on time. Wasting time in traffic is useless. For example if one person waste 1/2 hour on roads and if 1000 persons are on traffic queues 500 human hours are wasted on roads. This is one aspect of impact of climate changing.
Continuous raing falling is another result of climate change. It is become usual news that huge tanks are over flowed regularly. People who live around tanks have to be careful otherwise their lives are at risk. When tanks are over flowed other areas are in a risk of flooding. Not only that but also continuous rain fallings causes to destroy cultivations. Farmers spend lot of money to cultivate paddies and large effort is need to protect crops from wild animals. So that when paddies are cultivated it becomes whole of farmers and they spend months to get good crops. Entire family is maintained by the money which is gotten from selling their crops. But one rain can destroy whole crop in one day. This may cause to create a shortage of foods in near future.
Although only main two situations are discribed above ther are many other negetive impacts of climate changing. It is clerar that changes in climate effects normal lives of human being and it makes negetive impact on human beings. Though identifing reasons for climate changing and those problems must be addressed is a must, significant effort to do so, cannot be noticed. Major three countries who should responsible for this situation is USA, India and China and it is lamentable fact that those countries do nothing not to stop but to reduce the climate change. Instead these countries accuse each other and no activities are on stage to reduce climate change. However due to power struggle among those countries poor people in other countries (specially third world countries) are in stew. Global powers only start to act when they are suffered. This situation must be changed and all should act together to prevent possible disasters due to climate changing in recent future.