Saturday, December 25, 2010

Climate change and its effects on Sri Lanka

It is well know fact climate is changing rapidly and as a result many negetive impacts are being experienced by human being regardless whether you are in developed country or developing country. As a result of increasing of global warming, sea levels go up and glaciers reduce day by day. So some countries specially island nations would lose their land and big coastal cities may be vanished soon. However my main objective is to discuss how climate changing effects on Sri Lankan context.

These days we all experience unusual raining patterns and this is mainly because due to climate changing. As a result of this situation Sri Lanka has to get ready for flood in any time. Poor and deeefective drainage system in Colombo as well as other cities causes to create the whole town in to a collection of small lakes and ponds in a normal rain. Sometimes gutters in roads are as deep as 3 feet. many times this problem has been brought to relevant officers and regulations nothing is done. So now small rain can break down day to day activities in Colombo. Employees and the staffs of various organizations are mostly effected with this situation. Waters on the roads increase traffic and this delays to go offices on time. Wasting time in traffic is useless. For example if one person waste 1/2 hour on roads and if 1000 persons are on traffic queues 500 human hours are wasted on roads. This is one aspect of impact of climate changing.

Continuous raing falling is another result of climate change. It is become usual news that huge tanks are over flowed regularly. People who live around tanks have to be careful otherwise their lives are at risk. When tanks are over flowed other areas are in a risk of flooding. Not only that but also continuous rain fallings causes to destroy cultivations. Farmers spend lot of money to cultivate paddies and large effort is need to protect crops from wild animals. So that when paddies are cultivated it becomes whole of farmers and they spend months to get good crops. Entire family is maintained by the money which is gotten from selling their crops. But one rain can destroy whole crop in one day. This may cause to create a shortage of foods in near future.

Although only main two situations are discribed above ther are many other negetive impacts of climate changing. It is clerar that changes in climate effects normal lives of human being and it makes negetive impact on human beings. Though identifing reasons for climate changing and those problems must be addressed is a must, significant effort to do so, cannot be noticed. Major three countries who should responsible for this situation is USA, India and China and it is lamentable fact that those countries do nothing not to stop but to reduce the climate change. Instead these countries accuse each other and no activities are on stage to reduce climate change. However due to power struggle among those countries poor people in other countries (specially third world countries) are in stew. Global powers only start to act when they are suffered. This situation must be changed and all should act together to prevent possible disasters due to climate changing in recent future.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Dalada Wathura

This is very rare photo of "Dalada Wathura" in 1928. During british colonial era english ruler banned Exhibition of Sri Dalada (Sacred Tooth of Relic). In that time drought was occurred and and Buddhist Monks instructed rulers to allow Exhibition. After the Exhibition there was a huge rain which is considered as miracle of Sacred Tooth of Relic.

This photo is taken from the album of Mr. Janaka Keerthi and I am very grateful to him for this photo.!/photo.php?fbid=160389624001512&set=a.142820489091759.19202.100000914277534

Friday, October 29, 2010

Political Solution and Resettlement of displaced Tamils and Sinhalese

Though I normally don't discuss political issues on my blog, I decide to write this article seeing some others articles regarding this problem. Before the war began minority Sinhala community was in the Jaffna and most of them were businessman such as bakers. Even it is stated that Sinhala students entered to the Jaffna university. But situation was changed after 1983 and many incidents were taken place due to unrest groups in Jaffna. After war began between LTTE and Army and one of major strategies used by LTTE was ethnic clearance. As a result of this displaced Sinhalese of jaffna flew to other areas and after escalation of hostilities of 1980's minority Sinhala community was removed. However not only Sinhalese but also Tamils and Muslims were also displaced as a result of war. This was the brief description of incidents taken place with last decades.

Now war is in the history and displaced people are resettled. Though there are many NGO's who speak about Tamil IDP's said nothing about displaced Sinhalese and they now settle down Railyway Station of Jaffna and no body is caring. There are many barriers of their resettlement. One of major barrior of law of Jaffna - "Thesawalam" which gives priority to Jaffna citizens when lands of Jaffna selling or buying. But no such law is enforced any other part of country. Legal System is Jaffna also questionable. Courts conduct their work in Tamil or English and the situation of offices such as Land Registries and other government offices mostly used Tamil language so that if someone don't know Tamil it is very hard to do get their services. Though some displaced Sinhalese have proofs of their lands they don't get any other support of officers. Thus due to many barriers their resettlement process is hold on.

On the other hand Tamils who were suffered from this war must be resettled as well as Sinhalese. Next priority should be given to fulfill their basic needs (foods, houses and etc ) and next infrastructure of conflict area should be rebuild. In that side government is able to achieve progress to some extend but however his tast should be speed up. Thus Tamils must be assured that they are vital part of national reconcilation process. It is a must to ensure equility of law and they must be persuaded that contribution of them is important to the development of country.

Now I wish to focus your attention to topic of political solution. Tamil Attorney George R. Willy who settled down in USA delivered speech and whole speech can be read from this link. The only important thing the speaker repeated is that " Tamils should not be treated as second class people" . However he used several comparisons which make his speech more interesting. The basic theme of his speech was that "political solution" should be implemented immediately. Not only he but also many others emphasize suggestion of "political solution". Situation of then (before war began) and now(year 2010) is completely changed. People who left country in 1980's or 90's cannot say problems of that time is also effected in this era too. If anyone has enough talents he can climb up the ladder and every good example is Former Foriegn Minister Lakshman Kadiragamar who held top ministry one time.

What is a need of hour is not political solution but independency of social regulations. If anyone can get fair solution to their problems through social mechanisms he will never become a second class citizen of country. Unrest of minor communities can be stopped through enforcement of existing regulations. Thus through equility reconcilation can be implemented.

On the other hand though people in Colombo or abroad demand so called " political solution" can they guarantee that of the problems of effected people can be satisfied? If displaced IDP's are in hungry can they satisfy their hungry with political solution? Can they predict the response of people who are really live in war effected area? If poeple in those areas would not accept so called political solution what can be done? We must remeber that we should fulfill only needs of people but not the wishes of people who is hundred kms away from Motherland. Even now nobody is treated as second class people and opportunities are available for any citizen. So finally I would like to state that before any kind of solution it is a must to fulfill the basic needs of effected people otherwise unrest would be remained in their minds whatever political solution is implemented.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Quality of Higher Education in Sri Lanka

In recent time several new developments can be noted in higher education sector in Sri Lanka. Among them most important news was that Sri Lanka prepares to open doors for private universities. I wish to discuss about private universities little bit later and let we see some issues in current context. Before start this article I would like to say that I'm not interested on either "Anthare" or government or any other concerned party.

It is very famous fact that very small number of students are priviledged to enter national universities and others have to go for other options. Situation of universities are lower comparing other universities in region. As a result of this international ranking of Sri lankan universities go day by day. Several reasons which cause for the situation can be identified as follows. First lack of financial and other resources. All universities are funded by government and so all universities have to wait till treasury issues money to them. If any university wishes to keep its standards, it is a must to continue researches. But unfortunately contribution to researches are very low in Sri Lanka. Many Asian Universities open their labortaries even in night to conduct researches. But in Sri Lanka situation is completely contrast. Both lecturers and students should be responsible for this situation. Lecturers have big responsibility to encourage students to conduct researches and students also should conducts such researches because if they can conduct researches successfully it will cause to bright their futures. Organizations invite them to join witheir organizations and findings of researches can be contributed for the development of country. But sadly many students (except science, medicine, physical and engineering students) regulary conduct different kind of protests such as boycott of class and etc. This situation must be changed as soon as possible otherwise bad reputation will harm their future careers. Another fact is degree programs are not updated according to current context. Though their was a separate department in University Grant Commission to update degree programs it was closed in 1995.

Next I wish to focus attention for the external degree programs offered by some universities in Sri lanka. This is one option available for students who do not qualified to enter universities. Today many people start following external degrees. So thousands register for those degree programs. Number of exams have to be completed is lesser than number of exams taken by enternal degree candidate. This results to descrease quality of degree and there are many places which conduct classes for external degree candidates throughout the country. No any qaulity control mechanism is imposed. However University Grants Commision decided to limit number of candidates for external degree programs recently.

Let we see the situation of private higher education in Sri Lanka. There are several instutions that offer foreign degree programs in combination with foreign universities. However quality of these instutions are questionable. Some are registered with University Grant Commission but majority are unregistered. However no quality control mechanism is imposed and those intutions try to attract more and more students to earn maximum profit. When number of students who enter to those institutions are increased, the quality of the degree programs are descreased. For example when few students are in classroom necessary tutes, books can be given free of charge but number os students increased it is not possible. Thus the quality of those programs are questionable.

The latest topic in the field is to " open private universities in Sri Lanka". Though responsible people introduced them as private universities actually they are branches of foreign universities. For example Australian university - Monash may open a branch on here. Although local institutions which conduct foreign degree programs are not categorized as " Private universities" officially, they are a kind of private universities. It is sated that new act will be on parliament no details are available to refer. However it is clear that strong regulation is necessary to control the quality if private universities will be established.

Finally it is a must to mention that higher education is on fire and proper solutions must be implemented as soon as necessary otherwise future of youth of country will be questionable.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

In Respect to Kalana

One of my closest friend Kalana Wattearachchi celebrated his 21st birthday on October 23rd and he is generous enough to offer party on following day at NIBM premises. He entertained all with lunch and WE ALL WISH HIM VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY !

Friday, October 22, 2010

The Colombo International Book Fair 2010

As usual in every year, Colomobo International Book Fair 2010 was held in September in this year too. Being an enthusiastic reader I also waiting till September to participate this grand event. This books fair provides an opportunity to buy every book with discount which causes to attract wide range of readers from little children to adults. It doesn't matter what kind of job you are doing, there is any kind of book to anyone of any age group. Thus thousands normally visit there and it is stated that this time more than a million visited. This create win - win situation to both readers and publishers. Publishers can sell more books where as readers can buy books at dicounted prices. Even some visited there to have a fun. One of my friend told me that although he visited there he couldn't find any suitable book for him ???????? However I visited there twice. ( There was a break down of blogging as I had lot of books to be read and I wish to sorry for my beloved readers.)

However there were some books which were highly demanded. One of them is Sinhala translation of "Harry Potter and the order of phoenix". (I wish to talk about that book in another blog. So I don't write more details about it now).

Buddhist Books are also highly demanded and there were several stalls which only includes Buddhist Books. Most intteresting fact I noticed is there many buyers who are in their twenties or thirties.

Psychological books were also prefered choice of many readers and it is notable thing that most youth bought Psychological books.

And there was a trend to buy which were nominated to "Swarna Pusthaka" awards. When I was selecting books one lady came and bought "Kandak Sema" not because of quality of story in the book but because that it was nominated.

There few facters which can be noted in the Book Fair 2010. First one is higher cost of books. For example Sinhala translation of "Harry Potter and the order of phoenix" was cost Rs. 1200. 00. This is huge cost and normally anyone think twice before spending such big money for one book if it was not a recommeded text book. Sinhala fictions were non second to translations. Late auther T. B. Ilangarathne's books like "Lasada", "Amba Yaluwo" and etc cost around Rs. 300. That was an only example and prices of books are high specially books that were published by reputed publishers.

Another good thing was that no stalls in upstairs of BMICH due to on going repairs of the building. In previous occasions many visiters were tired going up and down with huge bags. So that many visiters were discourage to go stalls which were situated oustside main hall of BMICH. Unlike previous times this time visiters visited many stalls. However the size of stalls is also questionable. Many stalls were full with crowd and it was not easy task to select books.
Sometimes visiters waited out of particular stalls till crowd is unloaded. The congestion made many problems and it was hard to select books that suit redears' preferance. Long queues at counters were normal seen and I must state that this situation really discourage visiters. It is not either secret or unexpected thing that large number of visited book fair every years. So that organizers must be ready to welcome large number of visiters in this years too specially under the situation of ending long ran conflict. On that side visiters were facilitated with least convenience. However it is a must to draw the attention of the organizers of this exhibition to this problem and I wish thta we would not have to face this problem is book fair 2011.
However we enjoy a lot in Book Fair 2010 which brought us many experiences and it would be nice experience to anyone who visited there. Finally I wish to state that although there were small problems the Colombo International Book Fair 2010 was very successful grand event and Book Fair 2011 would be a better one.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Manju Wanniarachchi - A hero of our time

Manju Wanniarachchi was able to bring a Gold Medal in Common Wealth Boxing Games after 72 years. I'm writing this article to both congratulate him and present my opinion regarding sports in Sri Lanka. In our context this was a great victory because Sri Lanka is a WONDERFUL country which offers lesser facilities to athletes who try to shine our motherland with medals. Therefore if someone plays for country he has to go his journey himself. Neither officials nor media pay their attention to those nascent athletes until he or she scores a medal in international area. So it is a really miracle if someone can bring a medal to country under thiis situation where as other countries provide maximum support for their athletes.
That is the situation before win any medal and when athletes win a medal situation is completely is contrast. Officials are waiting to take snapshots with medal winners and uncountable wishes are offered. Mass Media offers full coverage. Fortunately I was able to find out a Photo of Manju Wanniarachchi in which he is posed alone.
Next I wish to point out some issues in sports in our schools. Many in born talented athletes can be found on sportsmeets in schools but unfortunately they are not given proper guidance and most importantly they have no enough facilities to practice and enhance their skills. If a student shows his skills in a particular sports, from that point he has to face lot of difficulties. Many look him jealousy and if a child of teacher in same school plays same game, talented student has to stopped his journey. On that side Manju Wanniarachchi was lucky enough to study in Vidyartha College, Kandy which has a good reputation for athletes. Facilities that are required for most of games are limited to Colombo. If someone in rural area wants to continue his sporting career he has to migrate to Colombo. Manju Wanniarachchi is a rare example who does his practices outside of Colombo. There is boards, authorities for each game but unfortunately most of them are limited to their name and nothing has done to benefits of either athletes or sports in Sri Lanka. Being a Chess player I had experience this bad situation very well and it is hard to find anything done by Chess Federation of Sri Lanka to promote Chess in Sri Lanka and all other regulators of other sports repeat same story.
This is the bitter truth of situation of sports in Sri Lanka. This is the reason for not having a succeeding athletes after Sugath Tilakarathne or Susanthika Jayasinghe. As a result of this only few extraodinaries perfom in international stage represnting Sri Lanka.
However I wish YOU all the best for Manju Wanniarachchi for your GREAT VICTORY and wish U MAY BE ABLE TO BRING GOLD MEDAL FROM OLIMPIC TO OUR MOTHERLAND.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Sherlock Holmes, Conan Dolye and Chandana Mendis

The Sherlock Holmes stories were written by Conan Doyle who was able to take readers to another dimension. There is no doubt, the stories are very interesting. Millions around the world hug the books warmly. This brings fame and wealth to Conan Doyle.

Recent years these books were translated into Sinhala by Chandana Mendis. Though some translators had already translated Sherlock stories into Sinhala It was neither famous nor successful. However translations done by Chandana Mendis were very successful and were able to attract many readers throughout the Sri lanka. Reactions from readers were very encouragable so that Chandana Mendis started translating other Sherlock Holmes stories too. I and my nost of friends are also big fans Sherlock Holms and we are still in a taste to read them. Chandana Mendis must be thanked for his excellence skills in translating which are able to convey the enthusiasm as original English books to Sri lankan readers. No doubt his work was well done. The effort of Chandana Mendis to introduce new charactors of international detective literature to Sri Lanka was very successful. However there are few questions remained on my mind that I wish to disccuss in next paragraph.

There were 60 stories (if not exactly 60, it should number around 60) written by Conan Doyle and the LIST OF BOOKS can be found on Wikipedia. My question is there are morre than 60 Sinhala transalations of stories of Sherlock Holmes? If there were only 60 books were written by Conan Dolye how Chandana Mendis published more than 60?. When I forwaded this question to my friends some told me those are the stories were orginally written by Chandana Mendis. But when I searched on the internet, it was found that many other authors used charactors of Conan Dolys's stories to create their own stories. I found one of such book and photo is published below and it is sure that there are many more books like this.

I guess these are the stories which might be translated by Chandana Mendis. However in the preface of the books it was mentioned that these stories were taken from the documents in the trunk belonged to Dr. Watson. This made most readers upset. It was better if Chandana Mendis could mention from where he took the story. On the other hand he should have mentioned it because real authors of those particular stories must be respected. It was very funny that Chandana Mendis stated that he found trunk of Dr. Watson. I wonder why anyother couldn't find that trunk which was in a store for decades. I must mentioned another point in my article. I think everybody cannot be another Conan Dolye. The writing style of Conan Dolye was unique to him and nobody was able to imitate his writing style. Actually his situation can be described as some sort of intellectual property stealing. If someone is real writer he should be able to address readers in a unique way to him. But instead of being creative, copying some others story is not so good. This is my opinion and your comments are highly appreciated.

Monday, August 30, 2010


A very rare photograph of the Sacred Tooth of Relic of Lord Budda. Now established in Sri Dalada Maligawa, Kandy, Sri Lanka. The Buddhists throughout the world respect the Sacred Tooth of Relic.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Stamp for our school

This stamp has been issued to celebrate the century of the Sri Sumangala College, Panadura. Long life for our GREAT SCHOOL.

Hambanthota harbour bottom quarry blasting

These days newly built Hambantota harbour is very popular topic. So I decided to post a video of the harbour. This video is recored by my friend Mr. Hemal Nalaka Warawita ,who is a subcontractor of the port. I'm very grateful to him for this video.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Almost invisible mirrored tree house built in Sweden

They said it couldn't be done. When we first wrote about the almost invisible tree house to be built in Sweden by Tham & Videgard, 899 commenters thought it was computer-generated eye candy, impossible to build, and death for birds.
But the architects built it, one of six units in a "Treehotel," which recently opened 40 miles south of the Arctic Circle in Sweden.
The four-meter glass cube looks as spectacular in reality as it did in the rendering. Kent Lindvall, co-owner of the TreeHotel, has been quoted as saying:
Everything will reflect in this -- "the trees, the birds, the clouds, the sun, everything. So it should be invisible nearly in the forest. "

And what about the birds? According to Designboom, Lindvall says that a special film that is visible to birds will be applied to the glass.
The units are constructed from sustainably harvested wood and have electric radiant floor heating and "a state-of-the-art, eco-friendly, incineration toilet"
(Although I've owned an incinerating toilet, and it wasn't that eco-friendly. It used a lot of electricity and created noise and some smells. But perhaps they've improved.)
But other than that minor quibble, this appears to be a truly "eco" resort. The owners say in Designboom:
"This is untouched forest, and we want to maintain it the same way. We decided, for example, to not offer snowmobile safari which is very common up here," says Selberg. Instead, wilderness walks will be offered."

7 Jobs to Skip College For

by Susan Johnston,

Ask most high school guidance counselors, and they'll tell you a college degree is your key to a well-paying job. But that's not always the case. While lawyers, doctors, and many other professionals still require degrees, Al Lee, director of quantitative analysis at, helped us pinpoint several jobs that don't.

But before you ditch your plans to attend a four-year college, note that these jobs do require specialized knowledge, obtained through either a vocational training program or an on-the-job education. (And many people in these occupations do have college degrees, so one certainly can't hurt.)

"There's no high-paying job that doesn't require a high-level skill," says Lee. "You can learn it on the job, but you're going to have to learn it." With the rising cost of college tuition, pursuing one of these career paths may make sense.

1. Freelance Photographer: $47,800 median salary
Lee says that non-degree jobs tend to fall into one of two categories: technical or entrepreneurial. Being a freelance photographer requires a high degree of business savvy in addition to photography skills. Depending on the type of work you do, you might take product shots, family portraits, corporate head shots, wedding pictures, or other images, and then touch up the pictures digitally and send them to clients for review.

2. Private Detective or Investigator: $50,600 median salary
This is another career that requires a lot of personal initiative. Private detectives or investigators might testify at hearings, analyze data, search databases, or question suspects. Knowledge of psychology and the law, critical-thinking skills, and the ability to listen and read body language are also useful.

3. Elevator Mechanic: $61,500 median salary
"When [elevators] break, people are miserable," Lee points out. He adds that the job often requires travel and working at odd hours (for instance, so you can fix an elevator before an office building opens)--which may pay more. Successful elevator mechanics generally have a knack for understanding complex mechanical systems, assembling and disassembling elevator parts, and following safety standards.

4. Nuclear Power Reactor Operator: $79,100 median salary
Since nuclear power reactor operators work with highly sensitive equipment, they need an understanding of physics and engineering, as well as active learning and troubleshooting skills. The higher pay correlates to the highly specialized skill set required.

5. Personal Trainer: $37,500 median salary
Knowledge of nutrition, anatomy, and first aid are helpful, so many personal trainers have a college degree or specialized certification. Since an independent personal trainer's income is tied to the number of clients he or she trains, time-management skills, physical stamina, and customer service skills are assets in this field.

6. Director of Security: $62,400 median salary
Someone might start out as assistant to the director of security and work their way up. Tasks might include analyzing security data, investigating security breaches, and supervising others. Lee says jobs like this are "not a bad track for someone who is more physical or manual, where it's about on-the-job training and less about formal programs."

7. Air Traffic Controller: $60,200
Although the job doesn't require a college degree, the FAA screens prospective air traffic controllers with a pre-employment test and other requirements, so it's a competitive field. The job might entail monitoring aircraft, issuing take-off and landing instructions, and directing ground traffic.

8. Court Reporter - $105,000.
Like the jobs listed above, a court reporting gig requires you to take on a great deal of responsibility. Court reporters must prepare accurate and complete legal records of conversations, most commonly court proceedings. Job prospects for this work are expected to be good, as demand for close-captioning and real-time translation services for the deaf and hard-of-hearing grows. This career requires a good deal of training, which can be had through a technical school or the National Court Reporters Association. Some states require licensure, according to the BLS, and others may require court reporters to be notary publics.

9. Fire Chief - $121,000.
To get to the position of fire chief, you’ll likely need to put many years in to fighting fires, exposing yourself to dangerous, stressful situations and staying in tip-top shape. And, you’re still not assured a chief spot because, as the BLS notes, there are plenty of qualified applicants for firefighting jobs so the competition is tough. BLS notes that fire fighter applicants with some postsecondary education are more and more preferred these days, but the opportunity is still available to candidates with only a high school degree.

Boston-based freelance writer Susan Johnston has covered career and business topics for The Boston Globe, Hispanic Executive Quarterly,, and other publications.

Source: Salary data provided by online salary database Salaries listed are median annual salaries for workers with five to eight years of experience and include any bonuses, commissions, or profit sharing.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

An Ayurvedic treatment for Dengue fever

I saw an article of Ayurvedic doctor who can cure Dengue fever on "Lankadeepa" (19/07/2010) and I published here.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Diplomatic poetry on Kohona's kennel

I took this poem from "Sunday Times" News paper (18/072010). This nice poem is very humours. Thank you Sunday Times.

A note distributed among those in the External Affairs Ministry by a so-called native diplomat contains the following poem:

"Dr. Palitha Kohona took my beloved country to NAM
With a view to bringing UN Secretary General to shame
For setting up, on accountability issues, an Advisory Panel
But, hardly has he realized something else at the end of the tunnel

"He went to Jordan, and even to Egypt, Lebanon and Syria
Had it suited, he would have even gone to North Korea
He topped up all this with free travel from UN to Lisbon
To save for my motherland, there he only ate daily a fish bun

"The name of the game is peace building and conflict resolution
Yet when it comes to visibility, it is but one of high resolution
Here an interview, there an interview, on anything he's a view
And the breaking news: "on flotilla attack, he's heading to Tel Aviv"

"The Committee on Israeli Practices became, so sudden, a Panel
For publicity, to inquire into Israeli attack beyond Suez Canal
All that his predecessors did in the committee's forty year history
Was forgotten, and for the Government, he's hero, that is mystery.

"He had learnt the art of diplomacy and law from Down Under
From there he went to UN, honing his skills, no wonder
Brought then to Colombo, to serve my country amidst much thunder
All his skills couldn't help bring it back from where it was put asunder

"Oh Lord, Kohona has got my motherland into the agenda of NAM
Making it a subject of fun with the loss of its remaining fame
Hardly has he realized some thing else at the end of the tunnel
"That is, it's my country he has put into doghouse, or call it a kennel".

Monday, July 12, 2010

True qualities: an advise to human

My dear friend Kalana Wattearachchi gave me thsese photos and asked me to published in my blog. Thank you Kalana for photos. But I couldn't published it as I was busy in last week. However I was amazed seeeing "Sunday Island" newspaper (11/07/2010) published same photos under title of and I understand the importance of these photos. Anyway I'm very grateful to kalana.
These photos are telling nice story to everyone and reflecting the real meaning of "Affection". Human being can learn many things in these photos. You comments on these photos are highly appreciated.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Trip to Kandy: Cushion fight -our good old memories, story 2

Series of photos of I post here brings me one of interesting incident we faced in our trip to Kandy. In that trip we accommodated at YMBA pilgrim's house. There was eight friends plus Shashan's mother(our guard). This occurs when Shashan's mother is in washroom. We started a cushion fight hitting others with cushions of the room. Soon all got into the business and we understood that it gave maximum fun. Cushions were flown everywhere. I could remember Jayamal and Kosala were the front attackers and others join little bit later. It is in my mind that Amila (guy who in black T-shirt) was the most hit person. While my firends were in fight I was able to take some snapshots with my camera and Shashan passed me his camera and request me to take some snapshots for him. I did take snapshots using his camera too but only later we understood that lence cover of the Shashan's camera was forgetton to be removed. (I was covering very hot event so I couldn't check whether his camera was all right for photographing.)

Although Amila was the person to be hit most he didn't give up the game. Instead Amila hit back with cushions. Thus fight was at every second. Suddenly only cushion which was thrown, clashed with rorating fan. Fan stopped and we all guess fan was broken now and we had to pay. All was afraid and gotton upset (see last photo). We all started thinking what to do next. We switched on and off several times and fortunately fan started working properly. It was the moment our heart beats were stopped. However finally situation was cool down. When our friends get together now we recall this incident and laugh as much as possible.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Trip to Kandy -our good old memories, story 1

Me - Sitting infront
Jayamal - Wearing white cap
Mihiruwan - Wearing white shirt backing me
Amila - Yellow shirt on shoulders
Dilan - Next to Amila with blue cap
Lahiru - Back to Amila
Kosala - Most back row man
Shashan - Is not in the picture
This time I'm going to present you commedy (Though I said commedy I don't know there something to laugh. but I decide to write this incident to recall our good old days) incident which we had to face in year 2006. It was the time we finished up our A/Ls and you all know after A/Ls there is nearly 3 months vacation. We(Jayamal and me) planned to go trip as this was our final schooling year. These days GREAT TRIO (This means Jayamal, Me and Amila) participated English class at Jayamal's home. After class we we put forward various ideas of various destinations. There was lot of arguements however we finally selected Kandy as our destination. Kandy is one of most preferred destination of us so no doubts we all were glad about it. I found out a van for this purpose and Jayamal's father reserved accommadations at Youth Mens' Buddhist Association's pilgrim house in Kandy. I guess 8 friends participated for trip (Jayamal, Me, Amila, Mihiruwan, Dilan, Lahiru, Kosola and Shashan). Shashan's mother also came with us as a security step. I could remember that she is great lady.
I couldn't remember exact date of the trip started but I could say it was July in year 2006. Though all others wore long trousers, Jayamal wore a three quarter for trip. We began our journy with lot of fun. Indeed Shashan's mother and driver of the van gave big support. On the way to Kandy we sang songs (actually half of songs because no one could remember complete songs). Near Ruwanwella area we took our breakfast. Breakfast was supplied from Jayamal's home. Again started travelling and we did get fun in side the van.
After few hours we reached first place - Botanical gardens in Peradeniya. We got down from the van & ready to enter garderns. Tickets were bought and we entered into gardens. Now we started watching plants, flowers and etc. Actually we had enough free time beacuse no constraints enforced on us. So that we got the maximum advantage of it. Jaymal is good garder and he has very aessthetic eyes (now he is an architect by profession). He carefully inspected very small plant so took more time than others to watch plants and this cuased him to move little bit later than others. (Although Jayamal stole a liitle plant from botanical gardens he couldn't keep it suvive till we back to home.)

Now the climax of the story was reached. Jayamal was coming back inpecting all plants while others wend ahead. He was wearing three quarter. Workers of garden were working. While Jayamal was walking slowly closely to plants suddenly on worker stand up and shouted "Hey guy, where are u going? Come and work with us???? ". Paricular worker guessed Jayamal was one of there crew.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Ruwanweli Chaithyaa

My previous article is also about Ruwanweli Maha Chaaithyaa. I have found picture of Ruwanweli Chaithyaa and I think it is better to show all of you. So decide to post is on my blog.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

After Poson 2010

I decide to write this article after seeing this photo in Lankadeepa Sinhala Newspaper. "Ruwanweli Seya" is the one of sacred place Buddhists in Sri Lanka as well as abroad. The Pagoda stands for centuries, evidence to rich culture which we inherit due to Buddhism. No doubts pagoda emphasis the greatness of our civilization that exists over 2500 years. Even today we show our rich history to entire world. We proudly say we have rich culture and we obey all the good qualities. Anuradhapura is one of great place which reflects our culture, history, technology and tradition and Ruwanweli Maha Seya is a gem of not only Anuradhapura but also entire Sri Lanka.
The Poson season of every year thousands of piligrims visit Anuradhapura commemorating established of Buddhism in Sri lanka. Every pilgrim doesn't forget to visit "Ruwanweli Maha Seya". It is said more than 1.8 million pilgrims were in Anuradhapura this Poson Poya season. These people stay various public places. This photo evidence how pilgrims fulfill their needs. Of course this is only one place and there would be more places like this. This is great responssibility of pilgrims to leave Sacred places like this as it is. No one can unclean environment of such places. We are a nation who are full with great qualities like gratitute and I sure this is not the way to convey grateful to this Sacred place. At least garbage should be put out of this Sacred place. On the other hand concered officials must provide necessary facilities to pilgrims. However as a result of irresponsible behaviour of all finally Sacred place get uncleaned. As a Buddhists we must be gratful to the sacred places and respect them.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Monday, June 14, 2010

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Facebook : A golden bridge or a devil? might be the most popular site both in the Sri Lanka as well as world. It is a social networking site which allows you to keep in touch with your friends. This web application allows sharing photos and videos. Like this it inclueds many features to keep it members alive. As a result of these facilities Facebook is able to attract more and more people around the world. Today if you meet your old friend accidently you might be asked “Do you have facebook account ? ”. This is the good example of popularity of Facebook.
Though Facebook earns such popularity there are some other disadvantages too. Let we see one by one. The main disadvantage is too much addiction to Facebook. Actually I also big fan of Facebook and some of my friends say that they couldn’t live with facebook. Another problem is lot of non necessary features of there. Some already close their accounts due to this reason. Actually lot of people have to face problems in their lives due to Facebook. Another question is losing privacy of people. I can take a photo o your friend and put it on Facebook and tag his/ her friends. So all can see it. Thus there are many questions in Facebook.
But there are many advantages too in using facebook. The great advantage is communicate with distance friends. Not only that but also you can share your lovely moments with your friends. Thus Facebook helps to keep in touch with your friends from the any part of the world. My private opinion is also Facebook can be very useful tool. But it may be a problem if you addict to it. Therefore the best option is use Facebook carefully and think twice before you do anything in Facebook. Then facebook can be a golden bridge between you and world.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Reflection on leaving my country

Today many Sri Lankans believe that migration will bring prospect to their lives. But the question remains is that actually migration brings prospect to us. Today many Sri Lankan professionals in different industries prefer to migrate to developed countries. Of course Sri Lanka could be a paradise for living according to some measurements like typical climate and etc. But due to various other conditions professionals leave country. One big reason for this leaving is 30 years conflict situation. As war expenditure rose day by day governments had to limit financial resource on development and research sectors which are two key factors of the development of the nation. This situation causes disappoints of intellectuals and they migrated other countries. On the other hand our Tamil brothers and sisters left country due to conflict. This created negative impact of the image of Sri Lanka as well as our country lost her best professionals who could have contributed the progression of the nation. Today every world leading university, from Australia to Canada employs Sri Lankan professionals. Some others migrate wishing to pursue their academics to master or doctor levels. In Sri Lanka there are many questions in higher education system such as limitations of resources which are available to higher education, lack of maintaining standards of post graduate programs, distance between the course contents and practical scenarios due to older syllabus and sometimes post graduate course are limited to few areas. This all makes bad image of higher education system. Continuation of this situation causes decreasing the standards of our higher education system both locally and internationally. Therefore many fresh graduates leave Sri Lanka to secure better higher education options. Many developed countries prefer to offer citizenship to the professionals who come from third world countries. For an example Australia offers permanent citizenship for those who complete 2 years studies in Australia. In the Sri Lankan context more than 4000 go Australia for higher studies per year. Though ministry of Health offers scholarships to medical professionals to improve their knowledge and serve back Sri Lankans, only few returns after completing their education.

In addition to above reasons many other migrate seeking more benefits. Though many gained both their primary and secondary education thanked to free education (at the expense of tax payers), they forget their responsibilities and leave the country only seeking their personal well beings. Developed nations introduce various migration programs to encourage skilled migrations. For example both Canada and Australia is willing to have professionals with skills who can contribute the development of their nations.

Being gained education at the expense of tax payers, everyone has a big responsibility on their shoulders to contribute the development of nation. No one cannot get rid of it. Now the terrorism is eliminated and everyone can enjoy peaceful life in Sri Lanka. So professionals who left Sri Lanka due to conflict can return and contribute the development of nation. They can invest both money and knowledge for the progression of the country. Higher education system must be reformed according to current necessities and workforce required. Increasing the money spends on researches and developing new courses are possible. Attitudes of the people must be changed. Thus environment must be prepared for professionals who can contribute the development nation.

Finally I would like to draw your attention for few factors. After migrating people may earn more money and inherit more luxurious life, but can they enjoy mutual relationship which is in Sri Lanka. As Sri Lankans we always demand closer relationships with our friends, neighbors and relations. Is it possible in abroad? We care our parents. Is it possible in another country? There are many elder homes in developed nations. Teenagers leave their parents and stay separate. No closer relationships are possible. But the situation is completely different in Sri Lanka. Many people who migrate abroad feel loneliness. They may gain financial benefits but their minds are sick. On the other hand they may gain legal citizenship of those countries but how those communities welcome migrate people? Can they enjoy same benefits of other citizens? In most cases migrate people never inherit same benefits and they get lowerest attention of the communities. In some cases such as financial crisis when companies reduce employees they give first priority to people those who come from abroad. Finally only migrates are sick both mentally and physically. Those who migrate never warmly welcome as their own people. Finally what I can say is most of time migration creates tragedy. Though there are some minor problems anyone can get maximum benefits, recognition in his motherland. Best way of gratitude to motherland is staying with her in both hard times and cheerful events. Sounds of waterfalls, shining beaches, green hills and rich culture that we inherit by birth can heel our mind and body and that heeling would be hundred times better than few dollars or euros.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Wedding rag

What a rag is this?

Alms giving held at a five star hotel

As the country prepares for Vesak, 45 young Bhuddist monks are seen here attending an alms giving held at a five star hotel today.

Source:- Dailymirror online

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Architect

I knew a liite boy

who is full with aesthitec skills

He drew wonderful paintings

and make others amazing

Day by day he polish knowledge

with complete with courage

Face difficulties of life tenacity

and reaching to the aim wonderfully

I met him grade seven

Still we enjoy long lasting friendship

Together we play and learn

Together we face the life ship

Now he is an architect by profession

Humble and gratitute smell through out of life

and it is the secret of his progression

Go ahead my dear friend Jayamal